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Photo and Video Best Practices

UC San Diego strives to maintain a climate of fairness, cooperation and professionalism. We also aspire to capture our values of inclusiveness, respect and dignity in our photography and videography. Please consider the following principles and best practices when shooting photos and video of our faculty, staff and students at UC San Diego.

Principles and Values

Be Inclusive: Our campus and community comprise a variety of people, places and experiences. Be intentional about reflecting the authentic diversity of the campus in your work but avoid tokenism, which can undermine inclusion efforts.

Be Authentic: Use materials from the Media Gallery for purposes relevant to the people and places depicted. Do not use photos of people or places unrelated to your piece or out of context of the subject of the photos.

Be Respectful: We celebrate our community members’ expression of their individuality. But be thoughtful about the context and reach of your communication so as not to negatively impact someone’s privacy or use their photo without their consent.

Be Purposeful: Photos and videos tell a story. Think carefully about the story you want to tell through imagery. What is the goal? Who is it for? What do you want them to do?

Permission for Photography and Videography

UC San Diego’s official model release form can be used to document an individual’s consent to be photographed or filmed. A signed model release form is the “gold standard” for use of likeness permissions, and a signed form is of particular importance when using an image in paid advertising.

For dedicated photo or video shoots or at very small campus events (e.g., classroom or lab photo shoots, lectures in very small venues, outdoor events like picnics or potlucks, etc.), obtain a signed model release from all subjects appearing in the photo or video.

At large campus events (e.g., commencement ceremonies, awards ceremonies, Homecoming events, etc.), obtaining release forms for individuals may not be practical. If the photos or video you are capturing are to be used for marketing purposes, post signs informing participants that they may be included in photography or videography. Special Events and Protocol provides these signs for events that they coordinate. Signs that you can print and display are also available for download via Google Drive.

If a subject in photography or videography is under 18 years of age, ensure a parent or guardian also signs the release form. A release form signed by an individual under the age of 18 is not legally binding.

If the subject later requests removing photo(s) or video(s) that feature them from circulation, respect their wishes whenever possible even if a release form was signed. Keep records of conversations with the subject.

When using material from the UC San Diego Media Gallery, carefully check the notes and metadata associated with the photo or video file for any limits on usage, specific credit that may be required, or additional permissions required to use the photo or video. See our Media Gallery Guidelines for more information. For questions related to photography and/or videography permissions, please contact