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Social Media Guidelines

Prepared by University Communications

This guide is designed to empower UC San Diego schools, divisions, departments and programs to establish and manage their own social media networks effectively.

We understand the value of social media as a vital tool for promoting and communicating news, events and other information within the campus community. If you are a designated social media spokesperson for your area, these guidelines are here to help streamline your efforts and ensure they align with best practices.

For the purposes of these guidelines, “social media” includes platforms like Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Threads and YouTube — key channels where UC San Diego engages with its audience.


Language is an essential part of any brand. The ideas we communicate, the words we use and the way we speak need to be considered to ensure our audiences are engaging with a unified and authentic UC San Diego brand. Review your follower demographics through the analytics on your social media platforms to better understand your audience. Curating the tone of content based on your audiences allows for UC San Diego to better connect with them. For general brand awareness messaging, we should remain high level in our language but always maintain a clear and branded point of view that highlights UC San Diego’s impact, vision and place in the world. Generally, for UC San Diego’s social media presence, the tone should be informal yet reliable, with language that is both smart and approachable. See more on brand voice and messaging.

  • Use “UC San Diego” not “UCSD” when character count allows. #UCSD is acceptable. See more about how to refer to the university..
  • Use inclusive language (we, us, our) that aligns with UC San Diego’s mission and values.
  • Encourage open dialogue by fostering conversations and engaging positively with comments.
  • Don’t use first-person pronouns, jargon, acronyms or institutional language without proper explanation.
  • Include subjects' correct pronouns (e.g., he/him) or omit them if unknown (e.g., “they”).

Account Naming

Try to establish a consistent naming convention — and avatar — across all of your social media channels. When considering your handle name, look at the name to see if it spells anything strange. Avoid acronyms, underscores and periods, if possible. You should identify your channels as connected to UC San Diego. When setting up a social media account for your department or organization, use the following guidelines:

  • Instagram/Threads: There is an Instagram username a.k.a. handle and an account name. We suggest you keep the handle as short as possible and can include department acronyms if needed. Try to include “UCSD” in the handle either before or after your department name (e.g., @UCSDVisArts or @StuartCollectionUCSD). Your account name should have your full department name and UC San Diego (e.g., UC San Diego Visual Arts).
  • Facebook: Include “UC San Diego” before or after your department or organization name (e.g., UC San Diego School of Medicine or ArtPower at UC San Diego). In the “about” section of your page, write a short description of what your department or organization does, including helpful links and contact information.
  • Twitter: Your “real name” can be up to 20 characters long (e.g., UC San Diego). Your @username can be up to 15 characters (e.g., @UCSanDiego). You should always add “UCSD” before or after your department or organization when possible. In the “bio” section, be as specific and descriptive as possible within the 160-character limit. Include a link to your official website.
  • LinkedIn: Include “UC San Diego” before or after your department name (e.g., UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS).
  • Other social channels: Follow the above principles to apply to other social channels.

Branding and Avatars

We strongly encourage all schools, divisions, departments, centers and programs that launch official social media presences to feature identifiable UC San Diego branding. Campus units should use their UC San Diego sub-brand logo or the main UC San Diego logo with the unit name in type. Using the primary UC San Diego logo alone as the main account thumbnail or profile picture is reserved for UC San Diego’s main flagship channels.

Templates for branded social media avatars can be found in Canva which you can access through the UC San Diego Canva. In order to leverage the full strength of the university’s name, fame and reputation, we recommend that your social media presence be consistent and complementary to the UC San Diego brand. UC San Diego has strong name recognition; use it to your advantage!

don't use building phoiots, campus logo or athletics logo, but do use unit name with cmapus logo or department logo.

Be Professional and Ethical

Foster a respectful and inclusive online environment. Avoid content that could be perceived as discriminatory, offensive or insensitive. Review the UC San Diego Principles of Community for guidance.

Encourage interaction and engagement. Respond to comments and messages promptly and professionally. Always consider the UC Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct when posting or interacting with your audience.

Legal Concerns

Legal concerns, such as intellectual property and privacy, can create significant risks not only for you but also for the university. Avoid sharing confidential, false or potentially harmful information about UC San Diego, its students, faculty or staff.

Do not endorse or promote any product, political party, candidate or cause. Any advertising, solicitation or overtly favorable acknowledgements or endorsements of third-party products and services is not permitted, except with express written permission of the university, in compliance with university policy.

Responding To Inquiries

With numerous social media accounts across various platforms representing different areas of UC San Diego, you may occasionally receive questions that fall outside your area of expertise. When responding to inquiries, always reply promptly and make an effort to direct the individual to the appropriate department. For example:
“Thank you for reaching out to UC San Diego. For the best assistance with your question, please contact Housing, Dining and Hospitality Services by visiting or emailing”

If you receive press inquiries, please do not answer them via social channels but refer them to official media contacts. For example:
“For general UC San Diego media inquiries, please call 858-534-3120 or email After business hours you can also call 858-531-4714. For queries related to UC San Diego Health, please visit their Contacts for Journalists page.”

Incident Response

Emergencies should be reported immediately. Use these campus emergency phone numbers to report an emergency at UC San Diego campus facilities. Mental health crisis and emergency contacts are also available.

Share the Make a Report page on Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination website to allow others to report incidents of unlawful harassment, unlawful discrimination, sexual and relationship violence and stalking that involve members of the UC San Diego community.

Please report any pressing issues or incidents to and

Quality and Accuracy

Ensure that all content is accurate grammatically correct and well designed. Double-check facts and sources before posting.

Visual Content

Use high-quality images and videos. UC San Diego maintains a comprehensive media gallery with photos sourced and created by the university for use in print collateral, digital communications and presentations. Follow UC San Diego's visual identity guidelines for branding consistency. Obtain permission to use photos not owned by the University and include photo credit in the caption.

A model release form template is available on our Photo Video Services page if needed.


Hashtags can unify a campaign and enhance the visibility of your posts, linking your content with related discussions on social media. Use hashtags sparingly and thoughtfully. Opt for short, memorable hashtags, as they tend to perform better. Before adopting a hashtag, consider its longevity and search across platforms to ensure it isn’t already widely used. Here are some commonly utilized UC San Diego hashtags:

  • General: #UCSD #UCSanDiego #TritonPride
  • Athletics: #GoTritons
  • Alumni: #UCSDAlumni
  • Admissions: #FutureTriton #UCSD2028 (adjust for graduation year) #TritonTransfer
  • Homecoming: #UCSDHomecoming
  • Commencement: #UCSDGrad #UCSD2025 (adjust for graduation year)
  • Triton Giving Day: #TritonGivingDay

Security and Legacy

Securing your social media accounts is vital to protect them from unauthorized access and misuse. Ensuring that your accounts are safe helps maintain the integrity of your communications and protects your organization from potential security breaches. University channels should be primarily managed, owned and operated by staff members, not students. Here are some general security best practices to follow:

General Security Best Practices

  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for all accounts
    Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification beyond just a password. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access, even if someone manages to obtain your password.
  • Share passwords securely with authorized account managers only
    Passwords should only be shared with individuals who need access, and they should be shared using secure methods. Avoid sending passwords via email or messaging apps that are not encrypted.
  • Change passwords frequently and use complex, unique passwords
    Regularly update your passwords to prevent unauthorized access. Ensure that passwords are strong with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. Avoid using the same password across multiple accounts.
  • Utilize LastPass Enterprise for secure password management
    UC San Diego provides LastPass Enterprise for free to all employees. This tool allows you to securely store and manage your passwords, making it easier to maintain complex and unique passwords for all your social media accounts. It also facilitates secure password sharing among authorized users.
  • Designate two accountable employees per account
    Ensure that each social media account is managed by at least two employees: one primary administrator and one backup administrator. This ensures continuity in account management and provides an additional layer of oversight.
  • Don’t use dummy accounts
    Platforms like Facebook are increasingly shutting down accounts they suspect to be fake, which can lead to you being locked out of your account. Connect your Facebook page to your personal account.

Steps to Take When an Account Administrator Leaves Their Role

  • Revoke access via LastPass Enterprise
    As soon as an account administrator leaves their position at UC San Diego or within their specific department, remove their access to passwords and accounts through LastPass Enterprise.
  • Update passwords on all relevant channels
    Immediately change the passwords for all social media channels the departing administrator had access to, such as X/Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. This prevents any potential unauthorized access.
  • Remove departing employees and students from account access
    Ensure that any former employees or students who are no longer associated with your department are promptly removed from access lists on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn.
  • Update the UC San Diego Channel Directory
    Make sure the UC San Diego Channel Directory is updated with the contact information for the new account administrators. This keeps your records current and ensures that the right individuals are accountable for each channel.

Ongoing Security Measures

  • Regularly review access permissions
    Periodically review who has access to your social media channels. Remove any users who are no longer working in your department or who no longer require access. This proactive approach helps prevent unauthorized access and keeps your accounts secure.
  • Stay informed about social media security best practices
    Continuously educate yourself and your team about the latest social media security best practices. This knowledge is critical in maintaining robust account security and staying ahead of potential threats. To learn more about cybersecurity by visiting the Security page on Blink.

In Case of Lost Account Access

University Communications is unable to assist in recovering access to your social media accounts. You will need to use the recovery options provided by the specific platform to attempt to regain access.

UC San Diego Health and UC San Diego School of Medicine Policies

  • Clinical: No new UC San Diego Health (clinical) social media accounts will be granted for any department, division or center​.
  • School of Medicine (Research/Education): New accounts can be created for your research- or education-focused lab, center, institute, department or division if you:
    • Review our social media guidelines, particularly regarding privacy (see
    • Obtain approval from your department head.
    • Fill out the application for UC San Diego School of Medicine-sponsored social media accounts:
    • Open the account with a shared lab or department email address, not a personal email, and share the login information with the School of Medicine Office of Communications.
    • Follow branding guidelines and best practices.
    • For more information, contact Melinda Sevilla at

Contact Us

We hope that the suggestions and ideas outlined in this guide will inspire your involvement and be helpful as you move forward with your own social media strategy. For questions, comments or to report abuse, send a message to

Complete the Social Media Idea Submission form or send an email to

Branding, Logos, Creative

See our campus brand and identity guidelines or email us at


Contact Dan Park, chief campus counsel and associate general counsel at